Friday, February 15, 2008

How lucky are we?

Just when I was starting to get discouraged at not getting anything for Valentine's Day, "Ding Dong" just as we were sitting down for Sushi dinner the doorbell went with two beautiful bouquets of flowers - the cards read:

"For Daddy's Little Girl", mine read "For Daddy's Big Girl". I hope he doesn't mean that literally.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine Package

Here is a little bundle of love my daughter will be getting in the morning.

Couldn't resist those cute little pj's with hearts all over them. The pants are capri style - sooo cute. They even match with the card and boxes.

Little heart box from Carolynn. So fun and easy to decorate.

Thanks, Carolynn!

For my Love...

This card I made for my Valentine. It's not too frilly, I think he will like this one.

Love you hon.

Mail is in!

A little mailbox that I made for my daughter with her new favorite colors.
My upline and friend (not necessarily in that order) Carolynn gave me this little box so I could offer it to Jade. She found these cute little boxes at Target in the States for $1.00!! What a find. So much fun to decorate.

Sweets for the Sweet

Here are some little love packages we put together for my daughter's grade 3 class. SU supplies used.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Look what Gord put up...

What a beautiful flag to celebrate Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Au Revoir Mme Lamontagne...

My daughter's grade 3 teacher is taking a leave of absence from teaching for the remainder of the year to pursue her dream of touring Europe.

Although we are pleased with her achieving her goal, my daughter was very sad to see her go. She is an amazing teacher and my daughter had the utmost respect for her. So for this occasion, my daughter made this card for her.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I've been busy...

Did a few cards in the last few days - some are my creations, one or two are copied from my favorite stampers.

Aren't they pretty?

I finally received my Elzybell stamps from A-Muse Art. I will use them for my Mother/Daughter group. I just love these stamps. Anyone with a daughter can relate.