Thursday, June 26, 2008

Splitcoast Color Challenge #172

The colors to work from: Glorious Green or Wild Wasabi, Taken with Teal and White.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

SC182 - Christmas in July

Here is a challenge from Splitcoast (#182).

Hanging Wall Organizer

Had to have one of these to put some miscellaneous papers and whatnot's in there for my craft room which is S-L-O-W-L-Y coming together. A couple more trips to Ikea should do it.

Summertime Tic-Tac-Toe

I've been noticing a few girls posting these and they look like fun.
So I whipped one up for my daughter last night as I have already heard "Mom, I don't know what to do!". The sweet sounds of summer...

Monday, June 23, 2008

CPS #70

This was such a fun card to create. Just a little time consuming, almost 1-1/2 hrs! But I am pretty pleased with the results.
Let me know what you think. All supplies: Stampin' Up (except for oval punches with are Marvy).

Mojomonday #43

Here is my card for this week's Mojo Challenge. Those challenges are sooooooooooo much fun. Being creative has never been so easy.
Oh and by the way, the Miley Cyrus song - for my 9 yr old daugther.
Have a great day!!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

CeeCee's CC #8

For CeeCee's color challenge: - here is a tri-fold card. Had been wanting to do this type of card since the Fall just to mix it up a bit for the regular traditional fold card. All SU supplies used except for May Arts Ribbon.

Friday, June 20, 2008

CPS Challenge #69

Here is my card for the challenge. Gotta love those nestibilities...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Beate's Challenge #18 & #52

Here is a card I concocted while watching reruns of THE OFFICE!
Love that show. Hope you love the card. I combined two of Beate's challenges together #18 (Martha Stewart Cake) & #52.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Merci Roch

My husband has been feverishly getting the boat ready for sailing this week-end. We have a brand new sail which he needed Roch's help to install. Roch has been very generous with his time and efforts in helping Gord, much more than necessary frankly. So we are indebted and my husband asked me to make him a Thank you card to show our appreciation for his time (of course the card will accompany a bottle of Merlot, which happens to be the name of our boat)...

Card for the School Bus Driver

Here is a card I made for my daughter's schoolbus driver.
My daughter has been taking the same bus for 4 years now and the driver is always on time and always has a smile.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Popsicle Party Invitations

Well I've been busy today, with gifts, challenges and party invitations! My daughter is inviting 10 of her friends for a farewell to school pool party this week-end. We'll be bobbin' for apples, sliding on the water slides and splashing around the pool.
Oh yeah! They'll be making their own sundaes - what a sticky mess this is going to be!

MOJO42 Challenge

Here is a card that I incorporated with the teacher appreciation gift. Thank you Madame Begin!

Teacher's Appreciation Gift

A little package that I put together for my daughter's Grade 3 teacher, Madame Begin. Jade has a lot of love and affection for Madame Begin who took over from Madame Lamontagne who left just after Christmas for a 6-month tour of Europe.
I covered the clipboard, chipboard book and coaster post-it holder with paper that I found at Costco.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Tim Russert

So sad - Luke what a wonderful son you are. You're Dad must have been so proud!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Two Challenges in One (CCC7 & MOJO41)

Hello Everyone! Boy do I think I'm clever today. My friend Catherine has extended a Color Challenge (#7) with wonderful earth tones and a Father's Day Theme. And just last week I discovered Julee's blog that puts out wonderful weekly sketch challenges So I combined both challenges together and voila! Hope you like it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

CPS #68

Our group leader Catherine turned me onto the Card Positioning Systems site and this is my first challenge with them. It is a Father's Day Card where I used all SU supplies. Hope it meets the standard. Thank you Catherine.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Flower pot with Rub ons

I haven't taken the time to play with the rub ons yet believe it or not.

Maxi have these great pots on sale (I think this one is at $3.74) and it just screamed for a rub on. My daughter made me pick the lovely brown color.

The flowers are from our beautiful hedge which is in full bloom right now.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

End Cancer

Here is one of the cards I came up with that I will be sending to the good and generous friends that have donated to this cause. I have reached my goal of $2,000.00 and feel blessed to have many thoughtful people around me.

A huge thanks to all my donors! On the day of the walk, my heart and my spirit will turn towards all of you!

Color Challenge

Here are two cards I made for CeeCee's color challenge.

The colors used: Chocolate Chip, Close to Cocoa, Very Vanilla, Certainly Celery and Garden Green.

This is my first color challenge and had so much fun with it.

Thanks Catherine, for the stimulation. We all need it once in awhile!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A few cards

Here are a few projects I've been working on:


Spent Mother's Day in beautiful Ottawa at the Tulip Festival.

Beautiful and awesome day.