Tuesday, December 30, 2008

SC208 (Or a few minutes to myself)

With all of the hectic Christmas time festivities, good eats, presents - who has time to stamp? Finally took some time yesterday to get those creative juices flowing again and came up with this card for SC208.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Fresh Cuts

Here's a simple little card with a Christmas twist. We did these
with my Mother/Daughter group. The little fusion flower adds an interesting little dimension.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Punch Art Santa

Cute little Santa done with several of SU's punches.
Add a little glitter and voila!

A Girl Can't Make Up Her Mind!

Jady girl is just torn at which Christmas cookie she will have to pick. Her Dad had a little too much wine, so maybe just maybe he can be talked into letting her have ALL of them!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Is that what heat and stick powder is used for!!!!
This is for Splitcoast challenge 206 and used some
glitter. My husband thinks this card looks like
a traffic light. MEN!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What is old is new again

This is a card done with last year's SU Christmas DP with Season of Joy SS. The tree is stamped in Wasabi - remember that color? It used to be the new black.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ah to be 10 again...

Jade and her friends - Sarah, Thomas & Matthieu were out building a fort and inventing their imaginary place, GLACIA. Here they are enjoying a hot chocolate and banana muffin. Good times...

Christmas Fun

I had such a great time putting this project together.
I got the tutorial from Becky Roberts here:http://inkingidaho.blogspot.com/ The tutorial is very well planned out and the instructions
are dummy-proof (ah, that would be me).

I will fill these with chocolates or candy canes. Really cute!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


This is a card Jade and I made for her BFF Mai-Kim's 10th Birthday. Purple is one of Mai-Kim's favorite colors as it is for most 10 yr olds. I used the Upsy Daisy SS with Craft White ink, the Cuttlebug which Mai-Kim's Mom is hoping to get for Christmas and the Frames with Flourish SS.

Voici une simple carte que Jade et moi ont fabriquee pour la fete d'une amie tres chere, celle de Mai-Kim. Mauve est une des couleurs favorites de Mai-Kim et nous avons utilises les estampes 'Upsdy Daisy' et le fameux Cuttlebug dont la mere de Mai-Kim espere recevoir pour Noel. J'espere moi aussi - elle le merite bien.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

SC205 & CC195

Here is a card I did with the Tree CB folder which I had not had a chance to use yet. Very suttle, but pretty. This was a fun Sketch Challenge.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Little Jars from Ikea

Wow these are so fun and easy! These little jars from Ikea
are like $5 for 4. The candies inside are also from Ikea (who knew Ikea had such great chocolate). I did these with my friends and they were a real hit. Highly recommend these for groups.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Snowflake Spot

This is not a very good shot at this card (much better looking in person), I guess due to the pastel colors and clear embossing.
But I did use a fun technique, that double masking which is really fun. I saw that on Dawn's Stamping Thoughts blog. Check her out,
she is so talented and makes everything look so easy. That's how I like it, quick and easy...