Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My humble little workshop...

...Or should I say "Thank Heavens for Ikea"

Over the summer, I have put together a little workshop for myself where I could do a little arts & crafts with my friends and especially with my daughter. Just another way of saying that I basically took over her play area and made it my own.
Slowly but surely it came together. The final touches will be SU's home decor wall stencils. Now if I can only keep it neat and tidy...


  1. Oh Wow! Beautiful space, Carol. Nice and bright and clean. Love it! I wish mine didn't look so cluttered. I am happy for you that you have a beautiful space to work in and I can almost see the Decor Elements in there too :-)

  2. Ta pièce est vraiment très belle !!! J'aime beaucoup comment tout y est bien rangé et facile d'accès !!! Tu pourras y donner de beaux ateliers et quels merveilleux moments à passer entre mère et fille !!

    Félicitation ! :)

  3. Génial !!! Tu est très bien installée !!

    Ju xxx
