Monday, August 25, 2008

For Adriana - The Week-End to End Breast Cancer

This wonderful show of support is what was waiting for all the walkers who participated in the two day 60 km walk to End Breast Cancer. To walk by all those people cheering you on and shouting "Bravo" and "Well Done" was almost too much to bear. It was extremely emotional.

Adriana, you were very close to my heart as I walked those miles...

I was just so happy that I had Gord's shoulder to lean on and Jade's hand to hold. It meant everything to me to have them there with me.

BLISTERS! A small price to pay to beat breast cancer!

Just a few more steps...

It was an amazing experience that words cannot describe...
Happy to have been part of the 2,250 walkers who raised over
$6 million dollars! "Bravo, Well Done" to all the walkers & volunteers (including the very sweet nurse who took such great care in making sure I could finish the walk).

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!!! I am so proud that you made it to the end of that long walk. It is women like you that will help beat breast cancer. I am doing a huge event on Oct. 4th called Cards for a Cure that will raise money towards the FIGHT on Breast Cancer.

    Have a GREAT day!
