Sunday, November 16, 2008

My student's cards/Les cartes de mes eleves

These are two cards that were fabricated by my two shining students who always give their 110% efforts at my mother/daughter stamp club.

The 'Wanted' card was done by Shauna's Mom, Donna - and I think it is spectacular - it really got a 'wow' reaction from everyone when she showed this card to us. I just love how she draped that rope around and the colors are so soft and pretty. I grade this one
at 100%! Great job Donna!
The 'Fete' card was fabricated by Mai-Kim's Mom, Carole and she really outdid herself on this one. It was for Alys-Ann's 13th birthday and I just love the use of the flowers and the use of colors and the 3-d effects. I give this card an A+!

La carte intitule 'Fete' a ete fabriquee par Carole, la maman de Mai-Kim pour les 13 ans d'Alys-Ann, la grande soeur de Mai-Kim. Elle a fait une carte spectaculaire surtout avec le choix de couleurs et les effets 3-d. J'adore aussi les fleurs fusion.
50/50 Carole!

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